My $77,000 Student Loan Debt Progress as of August 2018
I am sure you have seen the articles about how the average college graduate hasRead More…

Your Opinion Matters Testing Retirement Investment Strategies in Old Employer Account
I have been thinking about this for the past couple months and I want toRead More…

I Really Told Myself That I Expect to Have a Car Payment Forever
Just as recently as January 2017, one of my good colleagues and I were havingRead More…

6 Bad Financial Habits That You Need to Monitor
All of us have bad financial habits, right? I had some horrific financial habits inRead More…

My Personal Example of What Annual Salary Makes Me Happy
I made a post about reaching my 6 figure annual salary goal and then IRead More…

How I Planned My Biggest Side Hustle Expense in 2018
I started planning for a major expense planned earlier this month (August 2018) to supportRead More…

What Should I Do With Extra Emergency Funds
I recently started questioning where I should stash my emergency fund. The past several years,Read More…

I Reached My Goal of a 6 Figure Salary in My 20s But Who Cares
When I was growing up, I wanted to be a stockbroker because I had theRead More…

The 9 Lamest Excuses I Made For Not Saving Money
Throughout this journey I am on as a money moron, self reflection made me realizeRead More…

It Must Have Been a Sign When I Failed to Buy a House
I might have been going down the path of another money moron moment that perhapsRead More…

8 Biggest Money Habits to Stop Right Now
What are some of your financial habits you stopped? I am guilty of many ofRead More…

The 7 Best Secrets to Retire Early
If you have not yet retired, what are some money secrets you follow to striveRead More…

My First SWOT Financial Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis
This post is inspired by my day job and also a blog post I cameRead More…

11 Biggest Debt Traps
What are some of the biggest debt traps? The word debt is about as cringeRead More…

My 9 Top Money Saving Rules
What are your favorite top money rules that you (try to) follow? I referenced blogRead More…

My Favorite 5 Side Hustles to Make Extra Income
What side hustles do you do currently to make extra income? I’d love to knowRead More…

5 More Financial Milestones to Achieve in Your 20s and 30s
My first post listed out the first 5 financial milestones to achieve while in yourRead More…

Here Are 5 Financial Milestones to Achieve While in Your 20s and 30s
Mid-30s age life crisis that made me start googling financial milestones? Perhaps. Whether you areRead More…

5 Financial Literacy Money Lessons I Wish I Learned When I Was A Teenager
If you are a parent, what are some money lessons you have shared to helpRead More…

I Am a Money Moron with My Monthly Transportation Expenses
Cue Usher’s “Confessions” melody….these are my confessions….for being a money moron to this day. IRead More…