Real Estate Investing Podcast Recommendations
This post lists some of my podcast recommendations on: Real Estate Real Estate Investing UnlikeRead More…

Why I Regret Going to An Out of State Big 10 University
Let me start off by saying that my regret going to a four year BigRead More…

Personal Finance and Personal Investing Podcast Recommendations
This post lists some of my podcast recommendations on: Personal finance investing General investing IRead More…

Top 3 Things I Would Do Differently When Applying to College
I made financial mistakes. Cringe worthy financial mistakes. Admittedly voluntary because I had no financialRead More…

Top 5 Financial Considerations If Applying to a Four Year University
What I write in this post is purely from my own experiences. I am notRead More…

A Money Finance Blog – Beginnings of a Money Moron
I am a money moron. I REALLY am. I kid you not. Hear me out.Read More…

I started a finance blog. Welcome to my first post
Welcome to my finance blog. Yes, I am a money moron. Really. You should checkRead More…