Book Recap Series: How to Invest in Real Estate by Brandon Turner, Joshua Dorkin
These book recap series posts are simply my way of jotting down important takeaways fromRead More…

Book Recap Series: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
These book recap series posts are simply my way of jotting down important takeaways fromRead More…

Book Recap Series: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
These book recap series posts are simply my way of jotting down important takeaways fromRead More…

Podcast Episode 4 My Investment Buckets, Side Hustling, and Alternative Investment Strategy That Relies On Sports Cards
I wanted to give an introduction to my overall investment approach and start digging intoRead More…

Podcast Episode 3 My Sports Cards Journey and A Glimpse Into Sports Cards As An Alternative Investment
Sports cards has played an integral part of my personal life both as a hobby,Read More…

4 Simple Money Advice I Gave to a Colleague in Their 20s
Recently I was talking to a colleague in her 20s and we started to talkRead More…

Your Opinion Matters Testing Retirement Investment Strategies in Old Employer Account
I have been thinking about this for the past couple months and I want toRead More…

What Should I Do With Extra Emergency Funds
I recently started questioning where I should stash my emergency fund. The past several years,Read More…

My 9 Top Money Saving Rules
What are your favorite top money rules that you (try to) follow? I referenced blogRead More…

5 Financial Literacy Money Lessons I Wish I Learned When I Was A Teenager
If you are a parent, what are some money lessons you have shared to helpRead More…

Real Estate Investing Podcast Recommendations
This post lists some of my podcast recommendations on: Real Estate Real Estate Investing UnlikeRead More…

Personal Finance and Personal Investing Podcast Recommendations
This post lists some of my podcast recommendations on: Personal finance investing General investing IRead More…